1. Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
2. College of Engineering
3. Korea University (KU)
4. Seoul 02841
5. Republic of Korea
6. School of Energy and Chemical Engineering
7. Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
8. Ulsan 44919
9. Center for BioMicrosystems
10. Brain Science Institute
11. Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
12. Seoul 02792
13. Graduate School of Energy Science & Technology (GEST)
14. Chungnam National University (CNU)
15. Daejeon 34134
16. School of Chemical Engineering
17. Sungkyunkwan University
18. Suwon 16419
19. Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
20. University of Canterbury
21. Christchurch
22. New Zealand