1. I. A. Franchi , S. R.Boyd, I. P.Wright, and C. T.Pillinger, in New Frontiers in Stable Isotope Research: Laser Probes, Ion Probes, and Small-sample Analysis, eds. Shanks, W. C., III, and Criss, R. E., US Geol. Surv. Bull. 1890, 1989, p. 51.
2. J. K. Böhlke , C.Kirschbaum, and J.Irwin, in New Frontiers in Stable Isotope Research: Laser Probes, Ion Probes, and Small-sample Analysis, ed. Shanks, W. C., III, and R. E.Criss, US Goel. Surv. Bull. 1890, 1989, p. 61.
3. G. B. Dalrymple , in New Frontiers in Stable Isotope Research: Laser Probes, Ion Probes, and Small-sample Analysis, ed. Shanks, W. C., III, and R. E.Criss, US Geol. Surv. Bull. 1890, 1989, p. 89.
4. Z. D. Sharp , and J. R.O'Neil, Annual Report of the Director, 1988–1989, Geophysical Laboratory Carnegie Institution, 1990, p. 72.
5. A laser-based microanalytical method for the in situ determination of oxygen isotope ratios of silicates and oxides