1. Department of Chemistry
2. School of Science
3. Tokyo Institute of Technology
4. Tokyo 152-8550
5. Japan
6. Graduate School of Engineering
7. Toyota Technological Institute
8. Tempaku
9. Advanced Research Institute for Natural Science and Technology
10. Osaka City University
11. Osaka
12. Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability
13. Nagoya University
14. Chikusa-ku
15. Electron Microscopy Group
16. Research Center for Advanced Measurement and Characterization
17. National Institute for Materials Science
18. Tsukuba 305-0044
19. Nanospace Catalysis Unit
20. Institute of Innovative Research
21. Midori-ku
22. Department of Applied Chemistry
23. Faculty of Science
24. Tokyo University of Science
25. Tokyo 162-8601
26. Institute of Materials Structure Science
27. High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
28. Tsukuba