1. Department of Microelectronic Science and Engineering
2. Faculty of Science
3. Ningbo University
4. Ningbo 315211
5. P. R. China
6. State Key Laboratory of Integrated Optoelectronics
7. Institute of Semiconductors
8. Chinese Academy of Sciences
9. Beijing 100083
10. Center of Nanoelectronics and School of Microelectronics
11. Shandong University
12. Jinan 250100
13. State Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Informatics
14. Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology
15. Shanghai 200050
16. Tianjin International Center of Nano particles and Nano Systems
17. Tianjin University
18. Tianjin 300072
19. Materials Science and Technology Division
20. Los Alamos National Laboratory
21. Los Alamos
22. USA