1. Brussels Photonics Team (B-PHOT)
2. Dept. of Applied Physics and Photonics (IR-TONA)
3. Vrije Universiteit Brussel
4. B-1050 Brussels
5. Belgium
6. Institute of Optoelectronics
7. Military University of Technology
8. 00-908 Warsaw
9. Poland
10. Institute of Electronic Materials Technology
11. 01-919 Warsaw
12. Applied and Analytical Chemistry
13. Institute for Materials Research (IMO)
14. Hasselt University
15. B-3590 Diepenbeek
16. Department of Chemistry
17. University of Antwerp
18. B-2020 Antwerp
19. Polymer Chemistry & Biomaterials Research Group
20. Ghent University
21. B-9000 Ghent