1. Lancaster Environment Centre
2. Lancaster University
3. Lancaster
4. UK
5. Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
6. Pune
7. India
8. NCAS-Climate
9. Department of Chemistry
10. University of Cambridge
11. Cambridge
12. Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories
13. University of York
14. Centre for Atmospheric Sciences
15. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
16. University of Manchester
17. Manchester
18. Key Laboratory of Middle Atmosphere and Global Environment Observation
19. Institute of Atmospheric Physics
20. Chinese Academy of Sciences
21. Beijing
22. China
23. State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control
24. College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering
25. Peking University
26. Environmental Science
27. Department of Botany
28. Utkal University
29. Centre for Atmospheric and Climate Physics Research
30. University of Hertfordshire
31. Hatfield
32. National Atmospheric Research Laboratory
33. Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women
34. Delhi
35. UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
37. Penicuik