1. Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology
2. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
3. Umeå
4. Sweden
5. Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence
6. Department of Chemistry
7. The University of York
8. UK
9. Unit of Bioenergy
10. Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia
11. Lisbon
12. Portugal
13. Department of Process Engineering
14. University of Zagreb
15. Croatia
17. Departamento de Industrias
18. Buenos Aires University
19. Argentina
20. Department of Food_Engineering
21. The University of Gaziantep
22. Turkey
23. Foodomics Laboratory
24. Institute of Food Science Research
25. CIAL
26. Madrid
27. Spain
28. Research Institute Biopos
29. Research Center Teltow-Seehof
30. Teltow
31. Germany
32. Departamento de Nutrición y Bromatología II
33. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
34. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos y Nutrición
35. CSIC
36. Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica
37. Oeiras
38. Department of Applied Sciences
39. Northumbria University
40. Newcastle
41. Biowaste Processing
42. Verona
43. Italy
44. Laboratory of Biological and Industrial Chemistry University of Liege
45. Belgium
46. Institute for Food Technology and Faculty of Technology
47. University of Novi Sad
48. Serbia
49. Institute of Food Research
50. Norwich Research Park Biorefinery Centre
51. Norwich
52. CICYTEX/Instituto del Corcho
53. la Madera y el Carbón Vegetal
54. Mérida