Comparative well-to-wheel life cycle assessment of OME3–5 synfuel production via the power-to-liquid pathway


Hank Christoph12345ORCID,Lazar Lukas12346ORCID,Mantei Franz12347ORCID,Ouda Mohamed12348,White Robin J.1234ORCID,Smolinka Tom1234ORCID,Schaadt Achim1234ORCID,Hebling Christopher1234,Henning Hans-Martin1234ORCID


1. Hydrogen Technologies Division

2. Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE

3. 79110 Freiburg

4. Germany

5. Institut für Nachhaltige Technische Systeme (INATECH)

6. Institute for Industrial Ecology (INEC)

7. Technical University of Berlin (TUB)

8. Institute of Process and Plant Technology


In this study, a holistic well-to-wheel (WtW) life cycle assessment of the production and utilization of short oligomers of OME3–5 as produced via a Power-to-Liquid (PtL) pathway has been conducted.



Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt


Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)


Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Fuel Technology,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment

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