1. Dipartimento di Chimica
2. Università Sapienza
3. Roma
4. Italy
5. Theoretical Chemistry and Biology
6. School of Biotechnology
7. Royal Institute of Technology
8. 10044 Stockholm
9. Sweden
11. Institute of Chemistry of Organometallic Compounds
12. I-56124 Pisa
13. Department of Physics
14. Stockholm University
15. 106 91 Stockholm
16. University of Gothenburg
17. 412 96 Gothenburg
18. IOM-CNR Tasc
19. Basovizza
20. Elettra – Sincrotrone Trieste
21. 34149 Basovizza
22. Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale
23. Università di Perugia
24. 06125 Perugia
25. Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie del Farmaco
27. Institute of Chemical Physical Processes