Design Approach For Ambu Bag Automation


Dr. P.P. Ashtankar ,Prajwal Bansod ,Nishant kawale ,Shreya kumara ,Ashik dange


The main objective of this paper is improve the system and the working of the ambu bag by automation with reliable cost. Existing ambu bag system is very efficient but it has certain drawbacks which made it not much helpful the emergency conditions like pandemic Covid-19. The existing ambu bag system which can provide medical assistance to patients. It creates difficulty when there is extreme need to provide the oxygen and the patients required to move from remote area for the better medical help. Where at the earlier system was made to prevent from failure in supply of the oxygen, low level of the oxygen reservoir, the pressure of the air, here the new system is based on salving the new problems arrived the maximum time it can take to move the patients, consistency in inflating the bag and widening if making advancement. Future work is needed to achieve the potential of this approach by developing policies, updating regulations, and securing funding mechanism for the development and testing for open source Ambu Bag Automation for both the current Covid- 19 pandemic as well as for the future pandemic, for all the emergency conditions & for everyday use in low- resource settings. A bag used to give rescue breaths for victims of cardiac arrest, used along with a face mask (bag and mask ventilation). It is an integral part of any emergency kit. Holger Hesse and Henning Ruben introduced the concept of bag-valve-mask (BVM) 1953. There is a unidirectional valve at the patient end of the BVM. When the rescuer initially attaches the bag with the mask over the face and nostril of the victim who has stopped breathing. The rescuer then squeezes the bag and air enters the lungs of the victim. The self-inflating bag fills up on releasing the squeezing effort. The unidirectional valve prevents sucking in of expired air when the bag inflates. An Ambu Bag is a device that is needed when a person can't breathe properly or they can't breathe on their own. Ambu Bags are very important for sufferers of COVID-19 & other breathing problems and existing ventilators in hospitals are very complex & are very expensive. The availability of existing ventilators is not sufficient to meet the demand when the patients in hospitals are more due to pandemic like situations and many countries will struggle to afford expensive conventional ventilators, and so many critically ill patients are dying because of lack of ventilator facility, so we need an alternative to meet the demand. In this paper we are going review methods to make an automatic ambu bag operating device with a simple mechanism and cost- effective.


Mallikarjuna Infosys


General Medicine







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