Arora Ashish,Varshney C.,Kurade N.P.
Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine rooted in India, offers a treasure trove of herbal and mineral formulations.
Yashada Bhasma1
and Yashada Pushpa Bhasma are two formulations that have gained popularity for their potential
therapeutic properties. Traditional Ayurvedic medicines, such as Yashada Bhasma, have been used for centuries to
treat various ailments. However, with the surge of interest in Ayurvedic medicine, there is a growing need for
rigorous scientific assessments to evaluate their safety and efficacy. This study assessed the subacute toxicity of
traditional Ayurvedic medicines, Yashada Bhasma and Yashada Pushpa Bhasma, in Swiss albino mice. This paper
presents the results of a comprehensive toxicological study conducted on Swiss albino mice to determine the safety
profiles of Yashada Bhasma and Yashada Pushpa Bhasma. These findings underscore the importance of proper
dosing and further research, facilitating the safe and effective use of these traditional Ayurvedic preparations in
modern healthcare.
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
Reference8 articles.
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