
Bykov Yuri1,Bekker Roman2,Grigoriev Mikhail


1. Stavropol State Medical University under Supervision of Ministry of Health of Russia

2. Ben-Gurion University at Negev


The book is devoted to both history and modern theory and practice of medical and veterinary use of peptides, their isolation in pure form, their laboratory chemical synthesis, as well as history of the study of the properties of various peptide substances. First it were extracts or hydrolysates from animal tissues and organs. Later it were pure peptide hormones and mediators, cytokines, antibiotics, etc. The book is intended primarily for students who are in the process of getting higher medical education in the disciplines “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Pharmacy”, “Medical Biochemistry”, “Veterinary Medicine”. It will also be useful to undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students of higher educational institutions who are studying disciplines such as “Biology”, “Biotechnology”, “Fundamental and Applied Biology”.


Publishing Center RIOR

Reference139 articles.

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