
Biryulin Vladimir1,Kudelina Dar'ya1,Pyhtin Aleksey1,Borodin Aleksey1,Bulgakov Aleksey1,Hol'shemaher Klaus2


1. Southwest State University

2. Leipzig University of Applied Sciences


At industrial enterprises, a significant amount of energy resources, including electricity, are consumed during production processes. Therefore, reducing the consumption of electrical energy in the production of products is an important and urgent task, the solution of which ensures a cost reduction of products and an increase in the competitiveness of the enterprise in various markets. The solution of this problem is complicated by the fact that the level of electricity consumption at a particular enterprise depends on many factors, one part of which is expressed in the form of quantitative data, and the other in the form of qualitative ones. In addition, both the first and second groups of data in most cases have uncertainty and incompleteness of the information used. These features create significant difficulties in obtaining reasonable and objective estimates of the efficiency of the use of electrical energy in industrial enterprises. Overcoming such difficulties is possible with the use of the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic. The results obtained make it possible to see objective and reasonable estimates of the influence of various factors, expressed both in quantitative and qualitative form, on the efficiency of electric energy consumption in the production processes of industrial enterprises. The use of such assessments will allow developing and applying effective measures to reduce electricity consumption. The implementation of the results of the work contributes to efficiency increase of electricity in industrial enterprises, which ensures an increase in its competitiveness.


RIOR Publishing Center


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Polymers and Plastics,Business and International Management

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