
Kagan Pavel1,Titenko Viktoriya2


1. Nacional'nyy issledovatel'skiy Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy stroitel'nyy universitet

2. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering


The digital development of construction is an important task, the achievement of which will lead to a more comfortable life for citizens, to an increase in the manufacturability of the construction business and more efficient management of urban planning activities by state bodies. The relevance of the introduction of digital technologies in construction is determined by a set of tasks that are set taking into account the development of the entire digital economy of the country. Currently, the government of the country has organized full-scale activities to achieve digital maturity of economic sectors. This article analyzes the digital transformation of the construction industry, examines state goals and tools to achieve them in the field of digitalization of construction. Problems of innovative development of the construction industry require the integrated implementation of digital technologies in solving various problems in the production of building materials, construction design and construction production itself. The main purpose of the study is to analyze the digital transformation of the technical customer's work at the stages of the life cycle of a capital construction object - pre-design, design, construction stage, overhaul, reconstruction, demolition, as well as separately the stage of restoration of a cultural heritage object. When analyzing the activities of a technical customer in the context of the digital transformation of the country's construction industry, at each stage of the life cycle of a capital construction object, the procedures and necessary services that have passed into electronic form are considered in relation to the conditions of the city of Moscow, and important tasks that require the fastest digitalization are highlighted.


RIOR Publishing Center


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Polymers and Plastics,Business and International Management

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