
Shishov A,Bratarchuk Tat'yana1,Ovsyannikova D2


1. Finansovyy universitet pri Pravitel'stve RF

2. Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "Financial University" under the Government of the Russian Federation"


In this article, the authors consider the digitalization of postal services in the Russian Federation as an innovative process at the level of the state email system of Russian Post JSC. The authors analyze the history and legal basis for the creation of the federal postal organization JSC Russian Post - a state electronic mail system that provides legally significant communication for participants in city circulation, authorities and other organizations and citizens of the Russian Federation. The object of the study is the state electronic postal system, which has the status of an information system for the organization of federal postal services. The object of research is dozens of digitalization of the postal services sector as one of the phenomena of proactive state regulation of innovative development. The authors set themselves a scientific task - to analyze the creation and development of legally significant communications between participants in urban circulation, authorities and organizations and citizens of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study is to analyze the creation of a state electronic postal system and the development of digitalization of postal services in the Russian Federation, to study the innovativeness of this system for communication between the state, business and the population of the world. For the author’s purposes, digitalization of the postal sector is considered as an object of innovative development. Complexes of decisions of governing bodies at different levels, regulations, data on the implementation of individual decisions, as well as the principles of functioning of the state e-mail system were studied, their continuity was noted and further development was noted. Qualitative and quantitative indicators of the education system are presented, reflecting its relevance among participants in information interaction. Based on the results of the analysis, the authors proposed ways to ensure the correct fundamentals of the functioning of the state e-mail system. The article substantiates the introduction of the state e-mail system as an effective mechanism of communication between government authorities, commercial and government organizations and citizens. These recommendations of the authors can be applied when developing proposals for improving the state e-mail system of JSC Russian Post, used to assess the effectiveness of state regulation in the area under consideration.


RIOR Publishing Center

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