1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
The article considers legal principles of regulation for relations of guardianship, care and adoption in international family law, the regulation of these forms of arranging children in law and their interpretation in the legal doctrine of certain foreign states, the definition of features and peculiarities of these concepts, the definition of relations in this field, as well as formulation of conclusions and proposals aimed at harmonization of national legislation with the law of leading foreign states.
Legal grounds for the regulation of the relations of guardianship, care and adoption in the legislation of some foreign countries shows that there are different legislative approaches to the regulation of such forms of placement of children. Historical, religious, national factors, elements of tradition and culture – all these factors significantly affect the substantive content of the essential traits of care, and adoption in different countries.
At the same time, the basic provisions of such institutions are unchanged – both guardianship and adoption are intended to promote the upbringing and development of the child, to guarantee the exercise of their rights and legitimate interests, to ensure their care and custody.
Custody relations are regulated both on the basis of conflict law rules and in accordance with substantive rules of private international law. For example, in Ukraine the establishment and cancellation of custody of minors, disable persons are regulated by the personal law of the ward. The obligation of the guardian to accept guardianship is determined by the personal law of the person appointed by the guardian. The relationship between the guardian and the person under guardianship is determined by the law of the state the body of which appointed the guardian.
The regulation of relations for international adoption is subject to conflict of law rules. In Ukraine, adoption and its abolition are governed by the child's personal law and by the adopter's personal law. A person's ability to be an adopter is determined in accordance with his or her personal law. The legal consequences of adoption or termination are determined by the personal law of the adopter.
One of the areas of state activity regarding adoption should be effective monitoring and control over the processes of adoption including the participation of foreign entities as well as the further upbringing, care and observance of the rights and interests of children who have been adopted by foreigners.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
General Materials Science
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