Stereotype of a Profession in the Semantics of an English Conversed Verb


Bekreyeva Yuliya1


1. Minsk State Linguistic University


The present article takes a closer look at the semantics of verbs derived by conversion from nouns that denote a professional worker. The aim of the study is to reveal correlation of a conversed verb meaning with a stereotype of a profession. The analysis of lexicographic models of noun and verb meanings and agent-action constructions with a conversed verb in text fragments showed some relevant evidence of such correlation. Firstly, the actions assumed as typical for a profession are profiled by a conversed verb, while the verb is not restricted to a certain professional sphere in its usage. Secondly, the conversion pattern “agent → action” involves a metaphoric transference, as a professional worker named by a base noun is compared to a doer of the action denoted by a conversed verb. As a result, certain stereotypical characteristics related to the behavior of a doer are embedded in the implicational meaning of a conversed verb.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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