
Gukalova Iryna Volodymyrivna1


1. Institute of Geography of NAS of Ukraine


The aim of this study is to analyze the content of “smart” city concept in its close relationship with different models of urban development, with an emphasis on the practice of their implementation in Dubai, and the conclusions that are relevant to the dissemination of best practice experience in municipal management of this metropolis. Methods. The study is based on a combination of general scientific and geographical methods (descriptive, content analysis, comparative geographic method etc.) with a view to implementing a theoretical discourse on sustainable urban development that introduces smart technologies. A "case-study" approach with the characteristics of the Dubai phenomenon on the background of comparison with other countries has been used. Results. It is substantiated that balanced urban development aimed to improving the quality of life of the population and efficient use of resources through the use of new technologies and the establishment of integrated service delivery systems should be considered as a “smart” urban development. It is determined that Dubai to some extent can be an example for implementation in other cities in the world, including Ukraine, because the “smartness” in its development now means balancing between different planning models and mechanisms of urban development and their simultaneous integration. The scientific novelty of the article is to identify significant trends in the development of the city of Dubai in the context of several modern models and to define the accompanying problems and benefits that could be taken into account in other countries. Practical significance. The materials of the publication and its conclusions can be used in the organization of next research of the best world practices of the urban organization, for educational purposes in the teaching of courses in geourbanistics.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

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