
GLYBOVETS Victoria, ,BASNIN Bohdan,


This article is devoted to the socio-geographic assessment of the problems and prospects of tourism development in the city of Volodymyr. The choice of the case study city is due to the active processes of forming the brand of the city of Volodymyr, which have been observed in recent years, as well as its border economic and geographical location. The authors characterized the infrastructure of tourism as a factor in the development of the city territory, as well as considered modern approaches to the formation of the tourist attraction of the city territory. The article describes the methodical aspects of the evaluation of the city's tourist sphere, gives a detailed description of the tourist resources and tourist infrastructure of the city of Volodymyr, as well as reveals the essence of branding and promotion of the city. The article presents an assessment of the state of the tourist sphere of the city of Volodymyr by internally displaced persons, namely tourist facilities, transport, accommodation and catering facilities, ATMs, shopping centers and sanitary infrastructure facilities (public toilets). With the help of the SWOT analysis method, the authors identified promising directions for optimizing the city's tourist attractiveness and proposed a number of main guidelines for the strategic development of the city's tourist sphere: further development of cultural and historical tourism; development of tourist and related infrastructure; activation of advertising and image work at the international level to attract foreign guests; attraction of grant support for the development and restoration of architectural monuments; development of educational tourism. The conducted research proved that tourism as a branch of activity can act as one of the main effective factors of socio-economic development of the territory.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


General Medicine

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