Features of eating behavior in women: experience of observation with an assessment of the risk of predicted complications


Shevlyukova T. P.1ORCID,Mateykovich E. A.1ORCID,Ermakova P. A.1ORCID,Ermakova A. A.1ORCID


1. Tyumen State Medical University


   Introduction. Studies show that up to 8 % of pregnant women suffer from eating disorders. Such problems are found everywhere, most often women do not even realize that this may be related to problems. And for pregnant women, this issue is most relevant, since there is a risk of complications of the gestation period, after which it is necessary to prevent unfavorable variants of the course of pregnancy and childbirth.   Aim. To study the variants of eating disorders in pregnant women to assess the prognosis of pregnancy.   Materials and methods. We conducted a retrospective analysis of clinical case histories of pregnant women (n = 267), followed by a survey of women on the basis of the State Medical Institution “Maternity Hospital No. 2” in Tyumen. The study period is from 2019–2022. Two groups were identified for the analysis: 1st  – BMI of 18.5–24.9 kg/m2 : 2nd  – BMI of 25 kg/m2  or more. In order to determine the type of eating disorder, we used various versions of questionnaires.   Results. Of the total number of women surveyed, overweight (BMI) was determined in 149/267 (55.9 %, 2 group), in 118/267 (44.1 %, 1 group), BMI was within normal values. Risk factors were identified for the groups that could affect the course of the gestational process in the case of an identified eating disorder. When assessing comorbidity, gynecological diseases were detected, pathologies were significantly more common for group 2 62/149 (41.6 %). The dependence of the presence of a violation of any type of eating behavior and the risk of possible complications of pregnancy is not statistically significant.   Conclusions. To maximize the favorable course of pregnancy and reduce the risk of possible complications, it is necessary to prepare a plan of preventive measures, which will include nutrition planning with a detailed description of solutions for a certain type of eating disorder.


Remedium, Ltd.


General Medicine

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