Treatment and prevention of various forms of laryngitis on the background of acute respiratory infections


Korkmazov M. Yu.1ORCID,Lengina M. A.1ORCID,Korkmazov А. M.1ORCID,Kornova N. V.1ORCID,Beloshangin А. S.1ORCID


1. South Ural State Medical University


Introduction. The relevance of the search for effective methods of treatment of various forms of laryngitis is associated with a high frequency of occurrence, which has a certain seasonality. Optimization of treatment tactics is dictated by the variability of etiopathogenetic mechanisms, with a certain similarity of clinical symptoms, and the reactivity of the mucous membrane to inflammation. The methods of treatment described in the literature are diverse and lead to the search for therapeutic adjustments.Objective. To increase the effectiveness of the treatment of various forms of acute laryngitis using the multicomponent drug Homeovox® in complex therapy.Materials and methods. A randomized simple controlled clinical trial involved 132 patients with acute laryngitis of various etiologies. Efficacy in terms of recovery time and safety were evaluated in two parallel groups: group 1, patients with acute laryngitis on the background of acute respiratory viral infection and group 2, patients with acute laryngitis on the background of a new strain “omicron”, COVID-19. In the course of treatment, both groups were divided into 2 subgroups: 1st – patients who received standard conservative therapy and the 2nd – persons who, in addition to complex therapy, received the drug – Homeovox®. Treatment results were assessed using the VAS scale, quality of life was assessed using the SNOT-22 questionnaire, cognitive functions were evaluated using standard psychological tests.Results and discussion. The use of the multicomponent preparation Homeovox®, which has multidirectional mechanisms of action in the complex therapy of patients with various forms of acute laryngitis, improved clinical symptoms, quality of life and recovery time. Good portability, high efficiency and safety were noted.Conclusions. The use of the preparation Homeovox® in the treatment of various forms of acute laryngitis has demonstrated its ability to quickly stop the symptoms of the disease and significantly improve the quality of life of patients.


Remedium, Ltd.


General Medicine

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