The article presents the results of a survey of senior medical students aimed at identifying the problems of distance learning in terms of the formation of practical skills and communicative competence. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that at the present time the world is undergoing major changes not only in the field of health, but also in education. One of the primary tasks of higher education is the formation of professional competencies of future specialists. Communicative competence refers to the basic component in the medical profession, so its formation is given great importance in the process of teaching students. However, due to the fact that there was a difficult situation in the country and the world, students began to be transferred to distance learning, which could not but affect the formation of communicative competence and the development of practical skills by students. A huge number of students switched to distance learning, including a number of disciplines were taught online, including students of the medical University. However, this has led to difficulties in the formation of communicative and practice-oriented competencies among senior medical students. In connection with the above, the aim of the study was a comprehensive assessment of the problems in the formation of communicative and practice-oriented competencies of senior medical students in distance learning. Based on the obtained data the proposed methods for the solution of identified problems with the use of distance learning.
Association "Professional Analytics of Autopoiesis Systems"
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