


The article summarizes the results obtained by the author over the past five years in the analysis of solutions to the problem of knowledge management in universities of different generations. The problem under discussion is a change in the functions of a modern University caused by external and internal reasons, which affects the purpose of the University's activities and entails a number of significant risks. Objective of the article is to consider the knowledge management system as a directed meaningful work with the boundaries of beliefs, procedures for determining and justifying their truth in the framework of the University's solution of the problem of ideological transformation of the individual, his transfer from the natural state to the socio-cultural context of the second and third artificial nature. The research methodology is described as a philosophical reflection and includes the neo-Hegelian model of development as a process of self-awareness of the subject, which leads to the formation of new management structures within the subject, the concept of philosophical inventions of I.I. Lapshin, the distinction between hierarchical, network and environmental management schemes in the theory of V.E. Lepsky. The results presented in the article consist in analyzing the mechanisms of University development from the first generation to the fourth, in modeling knowledge management procedures that include training, research, commercial application and development of ontologies, in explicating global and local risks that arise in the current situation of implementing the "entrepreneurial University" model. In conclusion , the task of large-scale discussion of the concept of a fourth-generation University that meets the national interests of Russia is formulated.


Association "Professional Analytics of Autopoiesis Systems"

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