KANEDA Kazuhiro,YAMADA Shotaro,ASAOKA Akira
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
Reference15 articles.
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2. 2) Hashiguchi, K.: Subloading surface model in unconventional plasticity, Int. J. of Solid and Structures, 25, pp. 917-945, 1989.
3. 3) Asaoka, A., Nakano, M. and Noda, T.: An elasto-plastic description of the difference between sand and clay, Proc. 10th Int. Conf. IACMAG (Int. Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics), Vol. 1, Tucson, Arizona, U. S. A., pp. 263-270, 2001.
4. 4) Asaoka, A., Noda, T., Yamada, E., Kaneda, K. and Nakano, M.: An elasto-plastic description of two distinct volume change mechanics of soils, Soils and Foundations, Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 47-57, 2002.
5. 5) 野田利弘, 高稲敏浩, 浅岡顕: 水~土連成計算による土留めに作用する力の時間依存性挙動の解析, 土木学会論文集, No. 617/III-46, pp. 125-138, 1999.