1. 1) Lee, G. C.: A survey of literature on the lateral instability of beams, Welding Research Council Bulletin, No. 63, 1960.
2. 2) Allen, H. G. and Bulson, P. S.: Background to buckling, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1980.
3. 3) Nethercot, D. A., Design of beams and plate girders-Treatment of overall and local flange buckling, Design of Steel Structures, Paper 13, Granada, 1982.
4. 4) Kachanov, L. M.: Foundations of the theory of plasticity, Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1971.
5. 5) Kachanov, L. M.: A brief course on the theory of buckling, Solid Mechanics Division, University of Waterloo Press, Canada, 1981.