Japan Society of Civil Engineers
Reference11 articles.
1. 1) Yoshimi, K., Wada, M. and Hiraoka, Y. : Study on Water Level Prediction Using Observation Data from a Multi-Parameter Phased Array Weather Radar, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 410-414, 2021.
2. 2) Kikuchi, H., Suezawa, T., Ushio, T., Takahashi, N., Hanado, H., Nakagawa, K., Osada, M., Maesaka, T., Iwanami, K., Yoshimi, K., Mizutani, F., Wada, M. and Hobara, Y. : Initial Observations for Precipitation Cores with X-Band Dual Polarized Phased Array Weather Radar, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 58, No. 5, pp. 3657-3666, 2020.
3. 3) 中川勝広,片山勝之,増田有俊,是津耕司,中北英一:渦管を用いた局地的豪雨探知手法に関する研究,水工学論文集,74巻 5号,pp. I_265-I_270,2018. [Nakagawa, K., Katayama, M., Masuda, A. and Nakakita, E.: Study on the Detection Method for the Localized Torrential Rainfall Using Vortex Tube, Annual journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE., Vol. 74, Issue 5, pp. I_265-I_270,2018.]
4. 4) 中北英一,西脇隆太,山邊洋之,山口弘誠:ドップラー風速を用いたゲリラ豪雨のタマゴの危険性予知に関する研究,土木学会論文集 B1(水工学),69巻 4号,pp. I_325-I_330,2013. [Nakakita, E., Nishiwaki, R., Yamabe, H. and Yamaguchi, K.: Reearch on the Prognostic Risk of Baby Cell for Guerilla-Heavy Rainfall Considering by Vorticity with Doppler Velocity, Annual journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE., Vol. 69, Issue 4, pp. I_325-I_330,2013.]
5. 6) Hirano, K. and MAKI, M.:Imminent Nowcasting for Severe Rainfall Using Vertically Integrated Liquid Water Content Derived from X-Band Polarimetric Radar, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, Vol. 96, pp. 201-220, 2018.