It is vital for the sustainability of industry to reduce these emissions while still meeting the ever-increasing demand for infrastructure worldwide. This challenge drew the focus of academics, area experts, and researchers to objectivize their work to investigate alternatives to the cement industry. The present study aims to determine how to reduce the amount of cement by using GGBS and fly ash The study adopted the binder ratios of 0.3,0.4, and 0.5 for both Fly ash and GGBS and compared them with conventional concrete (OPC). Further, the RCPT test examines the durability of the resistance to chloride penetration across different durations, such as 28,56 and 90 days. Also, the sorpitivity test is performed for the above binder ratios to determine the susceptibility of the concrete. The results suggest that the binder ratios adopted for the study have shown better results compared to conventional concrete if the supplementary cementitious materials are restricted to specific percentages.