Reduced intensity versus non-myeloablative conditioning regimen for haploidentical transplantation and post-transplantation cyclophosphamide in complete remission acute myeloid leukemia: a study from the ALWP of the EBMT


Devillier RaynierORCID,Galimard Jacques-EmmanuelORCID,Labopin MyriamORCID,Blaise DidierORCID,Raiola Anna Maria,Pavlu Jiri,Castagna Luca,Socié GerardORCID,Chalandon YvesORCID,Martino MassimoORCID,Stölzel Friedrich,Bug GesineORCID,Bruno Benedetto,Vrhovac RadovanORCID,Charbonnier Amandine,Olivieri Attilio,Bay Jacques-Olivier,Arroyo HerreraORCID,Yakoub-Agha Ibrahim,Avenoso Daniele,Neubauer Andreas,Nguyen Stéphanie,Forcade EdouardORCID,Brissot EoliaORCID,Savani Bipin,Nagler ArnonORCID,Mohty MohamadORCID


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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