1. Save the children, State of the World's Newborns. Save the Children. Washington, DC; 2001.
2. Bale JR, Stoll BJ, Lucas AO . The Executive Summary: Improving Birth Outcomes — Meeting the Challenge in the Developing World. Washington DC: Institute of Medicine, The National Academy Press; 2001. p. 3–16.
3. World Health Organization. Post-Partum Care for the Mother and the Newborn: A Practical Guide. Geneva: WHO; 1998.
4. World Health Organization. Report of the Fourth Meeting of the Technical Advisory Group, Programme of Acute Respiratory Infections. Geneva: WHO; 1989 (document no. WHO/ARI/89.4).
5. World Health Organization. Supervisory Skills: Management of the Young Child with an Acute Respiratory Infection. Geneva: WHO; 1990.