1. The Future of Hydrogen. (International Energy Agency, Paris, France, 2019).
2. Green Hydrogen Cost Reduction: Scaling up Electrolysers to Meet the 1.5 °C Climate Goal. (International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi, 2020). OPEX is, by far, the major component of the LCOH for the following reason: Fig. ES1 in this reference provides an average electrolyser CAPEX (today) of USD$770 per 1 kW capacity. Over 10 years of continuous operation the electricity consumed by that 1 kW capacity, which will comprise most of the OPEX, will be: 24 × 365 × 10 = 1,752,000 kWh. At the average electricity price of USD$53/MWh, this gives a total OPEX of at least USD$91,104, which is 118-times larger than the CAPEX. The dominance of the OPEX over the CAPEX in the LCOH is projected to increase. Using the best future CAPEX of USD$130/kW and electricity price of USD$20/MWh over 10 years of continuous operation: the OPEX of USD$35,040 will be 270-times larger than the CAPEX. The IRENA 2050 cell energy consumption target is given in Table 6 (Stack electrical efficiency).
3. van Renssen, S. The hydrogen solution? Nat. Clim. Change 10, 799–801 (2020).
4. Saeedmanesh, A., MacKinnon, M. A. & Brouwer, J. Hydrogen is essential for sustainability. Curr. Opin. Electrochem. 12, 166–181 (2018).
5. Maric, R. & Yu, H. in Nanostructures in Energy Generation, Transmission and Storage (ed Yanina Fedorenko) 95–117 (IntechOpen, 2019).