1. Prentice, A. J. R. Proc. astr. Soc. Austr. 3, 172–173 (1977).
2. Prentice, A. J. R. & ter Haar, D. The Moon and the Planets (in the press).
3. Laplace, P. S. Exposition du Système du Monde, 387–397 (Courcier, Paris, 1796).
4. Prentice, A. J. R. in In the Beginning (ed. Wild, J. P.) 15–47 (Australian Academy of Science, Canberra, 1974).
5. Stevenson, D. J. in The Origin of the Solar System (ed. Dermott, S. F.) 395–432 (Wiley, London, 1978).