1. Jack, D. in Creating the Right Environment for Drug Discovery (ed. Walker, S. R.) 67–71 (Quay Publishing, Lancaster, 1991).
2. Yasuda, S. U. & Woosley, R. L. The clinical value of FDA Class C drugs approved from 1981–1988. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 52, 577–582 (1992).
3. Morgan, O. Glaxo mergers: the acid test. Observer (Lond.) (January 23, 2000).
4. Jones, R. H. An approach to pricing of innovative research-based medicine. Pharm. Med. 8, 29–38 (1994). An excellent overview that describes the approach used by research-based companies in identifying the right price for a new product.
5. Fitzgerald, J. D. Drug discovery and strategic marketing: the need to improve the connection. Drug Dev. Res. 43, 143–148 (1998).