Rice husk reuse as a sustainable energy alternative in Tolima, Colombia


Ramírez Angie Tatiana Ortega,Tovar Miriam Reyes,Silva-Marrufo Oscar


AbstractColombia has great potential to produce clean energy through the use of residual biomass from the agricultural sector, such as residues obtained from the life cycle of rice production. This document presents a mixed approach methodology study to examine the combustion of rice husks as a possible energy alternative in the Tolima department of Colombia. First, the physicochemical characteristics of the rice husk were analyzed to characterize the raw material. Next, System Advisor Model (SAM) software was used to model a bioenergy plant to obtain biochar, bio-oil, and biogas from the combustion of rice husks and generate performance matrices, such as thermal efficiency, heat rate, and capacity factor. Then, the project was evaluated for financial feasibility using a mathematical model of net present value (NPV) with a planning horizon of 5 years. Finally, a subset of the local population was surveyed to assess perspectives on the project in the region. The results of the rice husk physicochemical analysis were the following: nitrogen content (0.74%), organic carbon (38.04%), silica (18.39%), humidity determination (7.68%), ash (19.4%), presence of carbonates (< 0.01%), and pH (6.41). These properties are adequate for the combustion process. The SAM simulation showed that the heat transferred in the boiler was 3180 kW, maintaining an efficiency between 50 and 52% throughout the 12 months of the year, meaning that the rice husk can generate electricity and thermal energy. The financial analysis showed that the internal rate of return (IRR) was 6% higher than the opportunity interest rate (OIR), demonstrating economic feasibility of the project. The design and creation of a rice husk processing plant is socially and environmentally viable and has the potential to contribute to the economic development of the Tolima community and reduce greenhouse gases. Likewise, this activity has the potential to promote energy security for consumers and environmental sustainability while at the same time being economically competitive.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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