AbstractPlanktonic ciliates are major components of pelagic food webs in both marine and freshwaters. Their population dynamics are controlled ‘bottom-up’ by prey availability and ‘top-down’ by microcrustacean predators. In oceans, copepods are the main ciliate predators while in lakes cladocerans are the typical predators. The efficacy by which these functionally different predators control ciliate population dynamics is debated. We, therefore, investigated experimentally the grazing of three microcrustacean predators with different feeding modes on five freshwater ciliates. We then performed a meta-analysis to assess if our findings can be generalised for aquatic ecosystems. We hypothesized that top-down control is stronger in lakes than in the ocean. We find that: (i) average ingestion rates of marine and freshwater microcrustaceans do not differ; (ii) clearance rates of freshwater cladocerans decrease with ciliate size but increase with ciliate size in freshwater copepods; (iii) clearance rates of the marine microcrustaceans is unrelated to ciliate cell size. These findings have implications for the functioning of freshwater and marine food webs: (i) the ciliate—microcrustacean link is stronger in lakes than in the ocean, and (ii) globally top-down control of ciliates is unlikely in the ocean.
Chinese Scholarship Council, China
D. Swarovski KG 2018
Austrian Science Fund
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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