AbstractAccurate, and objective diagnosis of brain injury remains challenging. This study evaluated useability and reliability of computerized eye-tracker assessments (CEAs) designed to assess oculomotor function, visual attention/processing, and selective attention in recent mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), persistent post-concussion syndrome (PPCS), and controls. Tests included egocentric localisation, fixation-stability, smooth-pursuit, saccades, Stroop, and the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). Thirty-five healthy adults performed the CEA battery twice to assess useability and test–retest reliability. In separate experiments, CEA data from 55 healthy, 20 mTBI, and 40 PPCS adults were used to train a machine learning model to categorize participants into control, mTBI, or PPCS classes. Intraclass correlation coefficients demonstrated moderate (ICC > .50) to excellent (ICC > .98) reliability (p < .05) and satisfactory CEA compliance. Machine learning modelling categorizing participants into groups of control, mTBI, and PPCS performed reasonably (balanced accuracy control: 0.83, mTBI: 0.66, and PPCS: 0.76, AUC-ROC: 0.82). Key outcomes were the VOR (gaze stability), fixation (vertical error), and pursuit (total error, vertical gain, and number of saccades). The CEA battery was reliable and able to differentiate healthy, mTBI, and PPCS patients reasonably well. While promising, the diagnostic model accuracy should be improved with a larger training dataset before use in clinical environments.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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