1. European College of Zoological Medicine (ECZM). Avian Specialty, policies and procedures 2023. Accessed at: https://www.eczm.eu/avian on 2023-07-20.
2. Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA). Annual Report 2023. Accessed at: https://abpa-br.org/ on 2023-07-29.
3. Brazilian Association of the Industry of Pet Products (ABINPET). Pet Brazil Market Report 2023. Accessed at: https://abinpet.org.br/ on 2023-07-29.
4. Avibase: The world Bird Database. Avibase - Bird Checklists of the World - Brazil 2023. Accessed at: https://avibase.bsc-eoc.org/checklist.jsp?region=BR on 2023-08-01
5. BirdLife International. (2023a). Tackling the illegal trade and trafficking of birds. Accessed at: https://www.birdlife.org/projects/tackling-illegal-trade-inc-songbirds/ on 2023-07-29