Early growth, development and allometry of glyphosate-resistant and susceptible Amaranthus palmeri in response to current and elevated temperature and CO2


de Souza Rodrigues Juliana,Shilling Donn,Tishchenko Viktor,Bowen Samantha,Deng Shiyuan,Hall Daniel B.,Grey Timothy L.


AbstractThis study aimed to evaluate the influence of CO2 and temperature on glyphosate-resistant and susceptible biotypes of Amaranthus palmeri (Palmer amaranth) in terms of morphological development. Height (cm), stem diameter (cm), leaf area (cm2), number of leaves, leaf, stem, and root dry matter, plant volume (m3), as well as shoot-to-root allometry were evaluated. The Palmer amaranth biotypes were grown under four different scenarios: 1—low temperature (23/33 °C) and CO2 (410 ± 25 ppm); 2—low temperature (23/33 °C) and high CO2 (750 ± 25 ppm); 3—high temperature (26/36 °C) and low CO2 (410 ± 25 ppm); and 4—high temperature (26/36 °C) and CO2 (750 ± 25 ppm). Between CO2 and temperature, the majority of differences observed were driven by CO2 levels. Palmer amaranth grown under 750 ppm of CO2 was 15.5% taller, displayed 10% more leaf area (cm2), 18% more stem dry matter, and had a 28.4% increase in volume (m3) compared to 410 ppm of CO2. GA2017 and GA2020 were 18% and 15.5% shorter, respectively. The number of leaves was 27% greater for GA2005. Plant volume decreased in GA2017 (35.6%) and GA2020 (23.8%). The shoot-to-root ratio was isomeric, except at 14 and 21 DAT, where an allometric growth towards shoot development was significant. Palmer amaranth biotypes responded differently to elevated CO2, and the impacts of temperature need further investigation on weed physiology. Thus, environmental and genetic background may affect the response of glyphosate-resistant and susceptible populations to climate change scenarios.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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