Soil microbes and associated extracellular enzymes largely impact nutrient bioavailability in acidic and nutrient poor grassland ecosystem soils


Ndabankulu Khululwa,Egbewale Samson O.,Tsvuura Zivanai,Magadlela AnathiORCID


AbstractUnderstanding the role of soil microbes and their associated extracellular enzymes in long-term grassland experiments presents an opportunity for testing relevant ecological questions on grassland nutrient dynamics and functioning. Veld fertilizer trials initiated in 1951 in South Africa were used to assess soil functional microbial diversity and their metabolic activities in the nutrient-poor grassland soils. Phosphorus and liming trials used for this specific study comprised of superphosphate (336 kg ha−1) and dolomitic lime (2250 kg ha−1) (P + L), superphosphate (336 kg ha−1) (+ P) and control trials. These soils were analyzed for their nutrient concentrations, pH, total cations and exchange acidity, microflora and extracellular enzyme activities. The analysed soil characteristics showed significant differences except nitrogen (N) and organic carbon (C) concentrations showing no significant differences. P-solubilizing, N-cycling and N-fixing microbial diversity varied among the different soil treatments. β-glucosaminidase enzyme activity was high in control soils compared to P-fertilized and limed soils. Alkaline phosphatase showed increased activity in P-fertilized soils, whereas acid phosphatase showed increased activity in control soils. Therefore, the application of superphosphate and liming influences the relative abundance of bacterial communities with nutrient cycling and fixing functions which account for nutrient bioavailability in acidic and nutrient stressed grassland ecosystem soils.


National Research Foundation

Sustainable and Healthy Food Systems (SHEFs) supported by the Welcome Trust’s Our Planet


Springer Science and Business Media LLC









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