Coetzee Nanika,von Grüning Hilde,Opperman Daniel,van der Watt Mariette,Reader Janette,Birkholtz Lyn-Marié
AbstractThe epigenome of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, is associated with regulation of various essential processes in the parasite including control of proliferation during asexual development as well as control of sexual differentiation. The unusual nature of the epigenome has prompted investigations into the potential to target epigenetic modulators with novel chemotypes. Here, we explored the diversity within a library of 95 compounds, active against various epigenetic modifiers in cancerous cells, for activity against multiple stages of P. falciparum development. We show that P. falciparum is differentially susceptible to epigenetic perturbation during both asexual and sexual development, with early stage gametocytes particularly sensitive to epi-drugs targeting both histone and non-histone epigenetic modifiers. Moreover, 5 compounds targeting histone acetylation and methylation show potent multistage activity against asexual parasites, early and late stage gametocytes, with transmission-blocking potential. Overall, these results warrant further examination of the potential antimalarial properties of these hit compounds.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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