Dadfar Mahdis,Soltani M.,Novinzad Mohammadreza Basohbat,Raahemifar Kaamran
AbstractDynamic knee valgus (DKV) malalignment affects the biomechanical characteristic during sports activities. This cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate mechanical energy absorption (MEA) strategies at initial contact (IC) and total landing (TL) phases during single-leg landing (SLL), and double-leg landing (DLL). Twenty-eight female athletes with DKV (age 10–14) were invited. MEA analysis of lower extremity joints was done in sagittal and frontal motion planes employing 8 Vicon motion capture cameras and 2 Kistler force plates. Statistical analysis was done using IBM Statistics (version24) by Bivariate Pearson Correlation Coefficient test. Knee extensors MEA during SLL (IC: P = 0.008, R = 0.522/TL: P < 0.001, R = 0.642) and DLL (IC: P < 0.001, R = 0.611/TL: P = 0.011, R = 0.525), and knee abductors during SLL (IC: P = 0.021, R = 0.474) were positively correlated with increased DKV angle. Ankle plantar flexors during SLL (TL: P = 0.017, R = − 0.477) and DLL (TL: P = 0.028, R = − 0.404), and hip extensors during SLL (TL: P = 0.006, R = − 0.5120) were negatively correlated with increased DKV angle. Compensated MEA in knee extensors was correlated with less ankle plantar flexion MEA during SLL (IC: P = 0.027, R = − 0.514/TL: P = 0.007, R = − 0.637) and DLL (IC: P = 0.033, R = − 00.412/TL: P = 0.025, R = − 0.485). These outcomes indicated a knee-reliant MEA strategy in female athletes with DKV during puberty, putting them at higher risks of ACL injuries during landing.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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