Wavelet gated multiformer for groundwater time series forecasting


Serravalle Reis Rodrigues Vitor Hugo,de Melo Barros Junior Paulo Roberto,dos Santos Marinho Euler Bentes,Lima de Jesus Silva Jose Luis


AbstractDeveloping accurate models for groundwater control is paramount for planning and managing life-sustaining resources (water) from aquifer reservoirs. Significant progress has been made toward designing and employing deep-forecasting models to tackle the challenge of multivariate time-series forecasting. However, most models were initially taught only to optimize natural language processing and computer vision tasks. We propose the Wavelet Gated Multiformer, which combines the strength of a vanilla Transformer with the Wavelet Crossformer that employs inner wavelet cross-correlation blocks. The self-attention mechanism (Transformer) computes the relationship between inner time-series points, while the cross-correlation finds trending periodicity patterns. The multi-headed encoder is channeled through a mixing gate (linear combination) of sub-encoders (Transformer and Wavelet Crossformer) that output trending signatures to the decoder. This process improved the model’s predictive capabilities, reducing Mean Absolute Error by 31.26 % compared to the second-best performing transformer-like models evaluated. We have also used the Multifractal Detrended Cross-Correlation Heatmaps (MF-DCCHM) to extract cyclical trends from pairs of stations across multifractal regimes by denoising the pair of signals with Daubechies wavelets. Our dataset was obtained from a network of eight wells for groundwater monitoring in Brazilian aquifers, six rainfall stations, eleven river flow stations, and three weather stations with atmospheric pressure, temperature, and humidity sensors.


Linköpings Universitet

Linköping University


Springer Science and Business Media LLC










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