Non-Markovian cost function for quantum error mitigation with Dirac Gamma matrices representation


Ahn Doyeol


AbstractThis paper investigates the non-Markovian cost function in quantum error mitigation (QEM) and employs Dirac Gamma matrices to illustrate two-qubit operators, significant in relativistic quantum mechanics. Amid the focus on error reduction in noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices, understanding non-Markovian noise, commonly found in solid-state quantum computers, is crucial. We propose a non-Markovian model for quantum state evolution and a corresponding QEM cost function, using simple harmonic oscillators as a proxy for environmental noise. Owing to their shared algebraic structure with two-qubit gate operators, Gamma matrices allow for enhanced analysis and manipulation of these operators. We evaluate the fluctuations of the output quantum state across various input states for identity and SWAP gate operations, and by comparing our findings with ion-trap and superconducting quantum computing systems' experimental data, we derive essential QEM cost function parameters. Our findings indicate a direct relationship between the quantum system's coupling strength with its environment and the QEM cost function. The research highlights non-Markovian models' importance in understanding quantum state evolution and assessing experimental outcomes from NISQ devices.



Ministry of Science and ICT, South Korea

Air Force Office of Scientific Research


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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