Bargione Giada,Donato Fortunata,La Mesa Mario,Mazzoldi Carlotta,Riginella Emilio,Vasapollo Claudio,Virgili Massimo,Lucchetti Alessandro
Pivotal life history traits concerning age structure and reproduction of the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias, Linnaeus 1758) were investigated in the Adriatic Sea from mid February 2012 to mid July 2013 and in 2016. The whole sample consisted of 176 females and 150 males, ranging between 217–1025 mm and 219–875 mm, respectively. The individual age, which was estimated using a cross-sectioning technique of the second dorsal-fin spine, ranged from 0 to 13+ years for females and from 0 to 9+ years for males. Based on the length-at-age estimates, the Gompertz growth parameters were L∞ = 1130 mm, k = 0.18 and L∞ = 920 mm, k = 0.24 for females and males, respectively. The size at sexual maturity (L50) was 659 mm for females and 575 mm for males, corresponding to 7.5 and 5.5 years of age (A50), respectively. Mean biennial fecundity was approximately 11 embryos/female and 12 ripe oocytes/female. Mature males occurred during much of the sampling period, while mature females with nearly full-term embryos were exclusively recorded in May 2013 and July 2016. Monitoring of catches conducted in a sample port of the north Adriatic (Chioggia) over the past 20 years has shown fluctuating trends in landings, with peaks during the summer reproductive season.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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