Pore structure and its impact on susceptibility to coal spontaneous combustion based on multiscale and multifractal analysis


Yu Zhang,Xueqing Zhang,Wen Yang,Haihui Xin,Sherong Hu,Yu Song


AbstractThe relationship between the properties of coal and its tendency to spontaneous combustion is critical for the environment, safety concerns, and economy. In this study, to eliminate the complex influence of moisture; the samples having similar moisture content were selected from Shanxi and Henan provinces. The chemical properties, physical properties, and tendency of coal samples to spontaneous combustion were characterized based on the conventional analysis, mercury intrusion porosimetry, fractal dimensions, and crossing point temperature (CPT). The results confirmed that the coal rank, volatile matter, oxygen contents, and fixed carbon content had a good linear relationship with the CPT. The relationship between the ash content and CPT presented a “U-shaped” non-linear correlation. For the pore size distribution, the total pore volume also possessed a linear positive correlation with the CPT. The fractal curves could be distinctly divided into two stages: low-pressure (<20 MPa) and high-pressure (>20 MPa), from which the fractal dimensions were obtained using the Sponge and Sierpinski models. The relationship between the fractal dimensions (Ds1, Ds2, and Dg1) and CPT could be divided into two distinct stages: a decrease in the CPT with increasing fractal dimensions (2.6–2.85), and then an in increase in the CPT. CPT decreased with increasing parameters of D1, D2, H, and D10, and it gradually increased with increasing D-10-D10, D-10-D0, and D0-D10. The above characteristics are important to comprehensively and systematically reveal the mechanism of spontaneous combustion.


National Natural Science Foundation of China

Scientific Research Foundation of Key Laboratory of Coalbed Methane Resource & Reservoir Formation Process, Ministry of Education


Springer Science and Business Media LLC










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