Adverse events of recreational cannabis use during pregnancy reported to the French Addictovigilance Network between 2011 and 2020


Bouquet Emilie,Eiden Céline,Fauconneau Bernard,Pion Charlotte,Louise Carton,Cécile Chevalier,Amélie Daveluy,Christine Fournier-Choma,Julie Heredia,Marion Istvan,Emilie Jouanjus,Hélène Peyrière,Liselotte Pochard,Bruno Revol,Véronique Savignat,Juliana Tournebize,Pain Stéphanie,Pérault-Pochat Marie-Christine,


AbstractCannabis is the main illicit psychoactive substance used by pregnant women in France. The aim of the present national survey was to describe adverse events (AEs) of recreational cannabis use during pregnancy reported to the French Addictovigilance Network (FAN). Spontaneous reports (SRs) of AEs related to recreational cannabis use during pregnancy were collected by the FAN between 01/01/2011 and 31/01/2021 (excluding cannabidiol and synthetic cannabinoids). Over the study period, 160 SRs involved cannabis use alone or in association with tobacco (59% of all SRs) which increased. Among the 175 maternal AEs, the most commons were psychiatric AEs experienced by 96 (64.9%) women, in particular cannabis use disorders (n = 89, 60.1%), dependence (n = 54, 36.5%) and abuse (n = 21, 14.2%). Among the 57 fetal AEs, the most common were heart rhythm disorders that affected 25 (16.9%) fetuses and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) (n = 20, 13.5%). Among the 140 neonatal AEs, the most common were IUGR experienced by 39 (26.3%) newborns and prematurity (n = 32, 21.6%). Twelve cases of congenital malformations were observed and 4 intrauterine/neonatal deaths. Furthermore, some of these AEs (n = 13) were unexpected. Cannabis use during pregnancy has problematic consequences for both mothers and infants who need close monitoring.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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