Guhan V.,Annadurai K.,Easwaran S.,Marimuthu M.,Balu D.,Vigneswaran S.,Navinkumar C.
AbstractThe DSSAT CANEGRO model was calibrated and verified using field experimental data from five Tamil Nadu Agroclimatic Zones (1981–2022). The genetic coefficients of the sugarcane cultivar (CO-86032) were calculated. R2 obtained between measured and simulated stalk fresh mass was 0.9 with the nRMSE (0.01) and RMSE (1.6) and R2 between measured and simulated sucrose mass was 0.9 with the nRMSE (0.16) and RMSE (1.2). For yield R2 obtained between measured and simulated was 0.9 with the nRMSE (0.01) and RMSE (1.6). As a result, the CANEGRO model may be used to mimic the phenology and yield features of the sugarcane cultivar in Tamil Nadu's Agro Climatic Zones. Temperature increases in Agro Climatic Zones resulted in varying yield reductions, with 2 °C increases causing a 3% loss, 3 °C increases 5%, and 4 °C increases 9%. The Water Requirement rose throughout all of the ACZ due to the high temperature, but to differing degrees. A 2 °C increase often results in an average 4% increase in the WR. 3 °C rise in temperature increased WR to 9% and WR rose by 13% when the temperature was raised by 4 °C.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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