Analysis of fracture-related infections from Swedish insurance claims between 2011 and 2021


Khalili PendarORCID,Tevell StaffanORCID,Fischer Per,Hailer Nils P.,Wolf OlofORCID


AbstractFracture-related infections (FRI) pose a serious complication with an incidence of 1–2%. This study aimed to analyze compensation claims submitted to The Swedish National Patient Insurance Company (LÖF) because of FRI after closed/open reduction and internal fixation (C/ORIF) in the four most common fracture sites (proximal humerus, distal radius, hip, ankle). Patients registered in the LÖF database with a suspected FRI between 2011 and 2021 were identified by matching International Classification of Diseases and procedural codes indicative of a combination of fractures to the proximal humerus, distal radius, hip and ankle, C/ORIF and infection. Medical records were reviewed for fracture sites, pathogens and complications. Data from the Swedish Fracture Register (SFR) were extracted to estimate the proportion of reported claims to the presumed number of FRI. Of 122 FRI identified in the LÖF database, 34 were after C/ORIF in the proximal humerus, 12 in the distal radius, 28 in the hip and 48 in the ankle. LÖF compensated 111 patients (91%). Median time from C/ORIF to an FRI was 3 weeks (interquartile range 2–6), and 95% of all FRI occurred within 1 year after C/ORIF. Staphylococcus aureus was the most common pathogen in patients with a distal radius, hip and ankle FRI. In contrast, Cutibacterium spp. were the most common aetiology in FRI of the proximal humerus. The total number of fractures treated with C/ORIF in the four fracture sites registered in the SFR during 2021 was 18,711. Most of the FRI patients were diagnosed within the first year after C/ORIF, and 91% of the patients received compensation. Given an expected FRI incidence of 1–2%, our estimates with extrapolated data from the SFR indicate that < 10% of affected patients applied for compensation.


Region Värmland

Region Örebro län

Uppsala University


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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