AbstractThe aim of this study is to analyze the psychometric properties of the learning perception questionnaire (CPA) presented in this research. It was administered to a total of 1496 students in Baja California and Nuevo León, of the total sample, 748 were girls (Mage = 14.0, SD = 0.3), and 748 boys (Age = 14.1, SD = 0.3). The analyses support the hypothesized theoretical model of origin, presenting an acceptable internal consistency and temporal stability. The model fit data was excellent; furthermore, the examined model meets the convergent validity requirements. External validity was explored by examining the predictive relationship of the scale studied with Satisfaction with School. The CPA has a strong predictive relationship with student satisfaction/fun in class, while it is negative with boredom. Thus, the higher the perception of learning, the less likely that students will be bored in class. It is concluded, therefore, that the CPA scale is a proven instrument and that it serves to assess the perception of key learning by secondary school students.
Secretaría de Educación Pública
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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