Improving reproducibility in animal research by splitting the study population into several ‘mini-experiments’


von Kortzfleisch Vanessa Tabea,Karp Natasha A.,Palme Rupert,Kaiser Sylvia,Sachser Norbert,Richter S. Helene


AbstractIn light of the hotly discussed ‘reproducibility crisis’, a rethinking of current methodologies appears essential. Implementing multi-laboratory designs has been shown to enhance the external validity and hence the reproducibility of findings from animal research. We here aimed at proposing a new experimental strategy that transfers this logic into a single-laboratory setting. We systematically introduced heterogeneity into our study population by splitting an experiment into several ‘mini-experiments’ spread over different time points a few weeks apart. We hypothesised to observe improved reproducibility in such a ‘mini-experiment’ design in comparison to a conventionally standardised design, according to which all animals are tested at one specific point in time. By comparing both designs across independent replicates, we could indeed show that the use of such a ‘mini-experiment’ design improved the reproducibility and accurate detection of exemplary treatment effects (behavioural and physiological differences between four mouse strains) in about half of all investigated strain comparisons. Thus, we successfully implemented and empirically validated an easy-to-handle strategy to tackle poor reproducibility in single-laboratory studies. Since other experiments within different life science disciplines share the main characteristics with the investigation reported here, these studies are likely to also benefit from this approach.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Projekt DEAL


Springer Science and Business Media LLC









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