Dynamical dissipative and radiative flow of comparative an irreversibility analysis of micropolar and hybrid nanofluid over a Joule heating inclined channel


Raju S. Suresh Kumar


AbstractThis report scrutinized the influence of radiation and Ohmic heating on the dissipative flow of micropolar and hybrid nanofluid within an inclined length $$2h$$ 2 h channel under convective boundary conditions. Primary flow equations are renewed as the system of NODEs with the assistance of proper similarity conversions. In two circumstances, hybrid fluid flow and micropolar fluid flow, a blend of shooting and Runge–Kutta 4th order strategy, is used to achieve the desired results. The critical consequences of the current study are Larger pressure gradient minimizes the fluid velocity, and a more significant inertia parameter minimizes the rotation profile in the case of Newtonian fluid flow but facilitates the same in the case of hybrid nanofluid flow. It is perceived that the escalation in Brinkmann number causes the amelioration in the fluid temperature, and the radiation parameter mitigates the same. Furthermore, it is discovered that the Grashoff number enhances the Bejan number at the centre of the channel but lessens the same at other areas. Finally, validation is executed to compare the current outcomes with the former results and perceive a good agreement.


Deanship of Scientific Research, Vice Presidency for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia


Springer Science and Business Media LLC










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